About cloudLynk

Abartys Health, based in Puerto Rico, is a health-tech leader focused on making healthcare data interoperable among clinical labs, patients, and doctors. Our secure, centralized platform enhances medical record portability and ensures universal patient identification. Beyond our health-tech solutions, we aid AmazonWeb Service (AWS) enterprise customers in Central America in adopting the AWS cloud platform, leveraging AWS to foster innovation and scalability. As a cloud-native service provider, we offer Cloud Migrations, DataLake, Business Intelligence (BI), Advanced Analytics, and Marketing Automation Solutions, quickly deploying clients Big Data Platform platform powered by top AI/ML/BI technologies.

Client Snapshot

Abartys Health products serve clinical laboratories, patients, providers, hospitals and health plans. All of these groups benefit from quick, easy and secure information sharing of healthcare data. We have experience working across the healthcare industry segments, focusing on interoperability solutions for clinical laboratories and population health insights for pharmaceutical companies, health plans and research clients. Our expertise in Analytics, Data Transformation, and Visualization positions us uniquely to guide companies toward becoming “data-driven,” enhancing decision-making and operational efficiency.


Abartys Health has the largest privacy compliance prima.ry-sourced clinical laboratory dataset in Puerto Rico, a11d curated disease management dashboard.

Healthcare Data Transformation

Abartys transforms disparate sources and formats from Lab Information Systems (LIS) and Electronic Medical Records (EMR) into research ready and actionable data, through normalization 
& curation, unique patient ID and De-identification to HIPAA standard.

Clinical Lab Data

Typically, 70% of clinical decisions are made with lab data. The Abartys lab repository provides rich granularity into patients and providers with 2.4M unique patients and over 100M lab results since 2018 incl provider NPIs. We are expanding regionally to Dominican Republic and Mexico.

Population Health Dashboards

Abartys provides customized disease dashboards (Diabetes, Kidney, HCV, Thyroid, etc) and customizable dashboards to quickly analyze patient cohorts by lab test and results, with real time updates into patient/ provider demographic profiles, gaps in care and quality metrics.

Centralized data hub

Our innovative centralized data hub that allows for increased medical record portability and 
universal patient identification, between our applications (PatientLynk, ProviderLynk ClinicLynk).

Ability to Link Externally

Our source data can link with external data sources (e.g., registries, EMR, directories) to create 
customized de-identified datasets.

Case Studies

MisResultados PR

Enhances Customer Service Capabilities on AWS Cloud

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Asociación de Salud Primaria de P.R.

Secures Clinical Data and Creates Analytics Dashboard

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Our Products

Access your information

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Connect to patients and insurers
through a centralized hub.

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Transform disparate sources into research ready actionable data.

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how to put its data tools to use

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Contact abartysHealth to find out how to put its data tools to use

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Contact abartysHealth
to find out how to put its
data tools to use

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